Frequently Asked Questions

About Our Cyber Device Protection Policy

Why Cyber Device Protection?

If you want coverage for a stolen laptop, tablet, any computer device, smart phone, or a cell phone, then you need a Cyber Device policy plus the Phone Endorsement.

orange-check If you are a student, an employee, a co-op employee, or you own/partially own a corporation that owns the devices that you use, then you should buy this coverage.

orange-check Device theft and related HIPAA informational breaches are very common events. Employees and students usually receive devices for use from their employees, sometimes from their schools, or from their parents. Employees and students are typically liable for the theft and related HIPAA information breach damages and penalties.

Is the Cyber Device policy guaranteed issue?

Yes. As long as you fit into one of the many occupations listed (on the application form). We only ask a few basic information questions to calculate the premium based on your needs, and then to enroll you.

What does Cyber Device do for me?

It will help fund your replacement costs for devices that are stolen. If you incur HIPAA or state related costs arising from breached information such as patient phone numbers or other patient records on your device, you can allocate your policy benefit to pay for that.

Can I own the device covered by Cyber Device?

Yes, but only if your corporation that you actually own such as a C corporation, S corporation, LLC Limited Liability Corporation, or PC (Professional Corporation) owns the device.

How do I collect on a Cyber Device policy?

Your device must be stolen. It can be any device you own, and we do not record anything about each device that you use when you buy a Cyber Device policy. You simply tell us if you want the basic coverage and the optional cell phone endorsement. To collect a benefit, simply call us and provide to us a copy of the police report of the theft, and you shall receive a cash benefit check in the full amount or the policy benefit…$400 or $800. Lost or damaged property identifications are not covered. The property must be stolen and a police report filed accordingly.

Why do I need Cyber Liability and Cyber Device insurance protection?

Damages, legal defense, mass patient notification fines, and penalties arise when a breach occurs. It is likely your practice will become bankrupt without coverage for these perils if a breach occurs. Check the product listing to see the choice of benefit coverage and limits.

Who stands behind your insurance policies?

The RRG is reinsured by various leading worldwide reinsurers including Lloyds London, and SwissRe. NASWIC, a captive insurance carrier, also reinsures all of the RRG’s insurance products, and NASWIC carries the stellar A.M. Best A- “Excellent” rating nationally.

Are there any deductibles in any of your insurance policies?

None, and there never will be because RRG law precludes deductibles. All competitors have a deductible and many are virtually hidden.

Are your insurance policy contracts complicated and difficult to understand?

No. The RRG’s contract policies are written in clear, simple, and easy to understand language with all coverages clearly stated. Unlike the competitors, there is no foggy gibberish language, confusing cross-references or buried exclusions that confuse people. What you see is what you get with the RRG

What do I do if I need to make changes to my insurance policy?

Call us at 855-835-2160 or email us to [email protected]. Licensed insurance agents are standing by to help you.

What happens if I have a claim?

Call us at the toll-free HELP LINE number provided. We will conduct a detailed claims intake and immediately start the claims adjudication process on your behalf.

Can I select my own lawyer to defend me?

Yes, but you pay the costs. We provide underwriting the policies, legal defense from our lawyer network of over 350 lawyers in all 50 states to defend you. We pay these legal costs.

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