Prices & Rates for Cyber Device Protection

Low Costs with Maximum Benefits to Protect You!
Cyber Device Protection

Cyber Device

Protect yourself against lawsuits, if your phone, tablet, or laptop is stolen! Protect yourself against the costs of device theft. PLUS – You can get coverage for any mobile phone!
Get Protected!

  • Number of Laptops Stolen or Lost 10% 10%
  • Number of Stolen or Lost Laptops Recovered 3% 3%
  • Number of Corporate Crimes Linked to Stolen Laptops 57% 57%

Prices & Rates for Cyber Device Coverage

Per OccurencePer AggregateAnnual Premium

Add Endorsement to cover any mobile phone, smart phone, and cell phone for $139 per year.

Why Cyber Device Protection?

orange-check If you want coverage for a stolen laptop, tablet, any computer device, smart phone, or a cell phone, then you need a Cyber Device policy plus the Phone Endorsement.

orange-check If you are a student, an employee, a co-op employee, or you own/partially own a corporation that owns the devices that you use, then you should buy this coverage.

orange-check Device theft and related HIPAA informational breaches are very common events. Employees and students usually receive devices for use from their employees, sometimes from their schools, or from their parents. Employees and students are typically liable for the theft and related HIPAA information breach damages and penalties.

Is the Cyber Device policy guaranteed issue?

Yes. As long as you fit into one of the many occupations listed (on the application form). We only ask a few basic information questions to calculate the premium based on your needs, and then to enroll you.

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