
At Assurance4You we strive to provide high-quality individual insurance coverage for behavioral and allied health professionals. Our solutions allow them to have peace of mind, and better concentrate on what is really important for their practices, which is helping others.

Get the Right Liability Protection!

Don’t risk a lawsuit that could end your career or put your practice out of business.

Professional Liability

Your career is a rewarding one, but helping others can put you at risk to be sued by someone dissatisfied with an outcome.

General Liability

If a client or visitor is injured at your office, you could be sued and your practice could be at risk – even if you did nothing wrong.

Cyber Liability

You can be held responsible when confidential client data is copied, transmitted, viewed, or stolen by an unauthorized person.

What is Cyber Liability and Breach of Patient Data Privacy?

Considering Teletherapy?
What You Need to Know
BEFORE You Start.

Affordable Professional Liability Products by Assurance4You

Affordable Rates
for Professionals and Businesses

We are committed to offering affordable, high-quality products to behavioral and allied health professionals and businesses. We understand your everyday needs and pressures. That is why we offer solutions to protect and not break your budget! Get a customized quote, you’ll find we offer very competitive products with maximum benefits.

Contact Us

Questions? Contact Us Today!

Do you have a specific question or would like more information on our products? Speak with one of our knowledgable representatives, call 855.385.2160 – Monday through Friday, between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm EST.

Or use our website contact form to let us know how we can help. We will reply in a timely manner, usually within 1-2 business days.

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We want to partner with you!

With more than 40 years of experience serving the business to the consumer market, we are appointing top agent producers, like you.

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